Saturday, December 20, 2008


The kids are home for Christmas break and we decided to do an experiment. We have been feeling like there has been too much outside influence on our family, so other than my occasional post and a quick email check, we are unplugging our family from the computer and television. It has been such a quiet, wonderful day. We spent the morning making towers with playing cards and my second grader became quite adept - making one seven stories tall all on his own. He even looked up the Guinness World Record for house of cards and learned he only has 68 more stories to go! We went to the library and checked out loads of books and bought a new 1000 piece puzzle at the store for the family to work on together. I'm so looking forward to this break! We're unplugging from media and plugging into our family.
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Michelle said...

Great job, David! You will have to teach Reed how to do this the next time you are here.

Rae said...

Wahooo--that's awesome! Go DAVID!