Sunday, December 7, 2008

Backstory to a Blog

I finally did it. I joined the world of blogging. I fought creating a blog for a long time, reliving memories of late night scrapbook parties where my pages were never fancy, my pictures sub par, and I felt the unstated pressure to have each layout be worthy of publication in a magazine. I couldn't fathom willingly submitting myself to the stress of falling behind on blog posts. I pictured myself literally running away from those infamous tags. I imagined berating myself at various events that I hadn't remembered my camera yet again and wouldn't have any photographs to post. So I ardently refused jumping into the world of blogging and felt relieved at having one less thing to feel guilty about.

But then something changed for me. I realized that this medium has the potential to uplift and edify and teach beyond simply sharing updates on daily life. It can reach out to friends and strangers alike, uniting them through triumph and tragedy in this experience we call life. I have long been a writer of lyrics and poetry, seeking to record and capture life in moments. In doing so I try to create windows of insight into my own understanding of the world. I often see light through those windows that gives me peace, clarity and even hope. I have come to the realization that every person has a unique view of the world - a lens, a color, a view that may provide depth, shadow and color to another person's perception of life. My hope is that in sharing the view from my window, perhaps the light I see in my life might somehow be reflected in your life. And in your reception of that simple offering, your light may somehow reflect upon and enlighten mine.

So I write for light. I seek for things that are virtuous, lovely, of good report or praiseworthy and share them in the hope that light will increase in my heart - and in yours.


The Zen Chemist said...

Excellent! I am thrilled to have one way at least to keep track of your thoughts. ;)

Kimbo said...

Anna I can't tell you how excited I am that you started a blog. I am already loving your first two posts and know that I will be loving many more to come. I didn't know you had a writing bug in you. You have a way with words and I'm so grateful to hear more of your thoughts and to stay better connected on a week to week basis :) Loves...

Melissa said...

I'm glad you're starting a blog. I have always admired you and been lucky to count you as a friend. I look forward to future posts, but no pressure!