Friday, April 16, 2010

Mother Moment

Today was the Awards Assembly at my son's elementary school. The parents are invited to come to a little assembly at the end of each quarter where they honor students for grades, reading, writing etc. It's one of those times when you sit quietly for an hour waiting for your own child's ten seconds up on the stage so they can see you smile and applaud.

As the hour wore on, I clapped and clapped for other children, waiting for my son's turn. When his name was called for perfect attendance, my heart fell. I knew that he had missed four days early on in the quarter from an illness. They were handing out certificates for a free kid's meal to one of my son's favorite restaurants. He walked slowly up to the stage, reluctantly took the certificate from the principal and looked out at me in the audience. I knew that he knew he didn't deserve the award. As the parents and students applauded, my son turned back to the principal. In front of all of his peers, he told the principal that he hadn't earned the award. He wanted to give it back.

I would rather have been sitting in that assembly for that moment than to see him get any other award. He had been honest, in front of all of his peers, in a setting that must not have been easy for him. It was more important for him to live consistently with the values we have tried to instill in him than it was for him to eat at his favorite restaurant.

I got a little weepy and wished I had taken a picture. More than I want my children to be intelligent or successful or well liked, I want them to be good. It was one of those unexpected moments when the past nine years of full time mothering this boy suddenly seemed worth all the sacrifice.

Never give up teaching your children. You never know when they might surprise you.


Tara Priddis said...

I want to take him to his favorite Restruant just for being honest. What a great kid. I don't know if I'd have his courage.

Lori said...

Anna, there can't be enough said for that teaching moment that he taught so many other kids and parents by his actions. What a great reward for trying your best to be good parents. I am sure he got even a greater reward for his actions!!!
Geri (I am on Lori's computer)

A GAL NEEDS... said...

What a proud moment that must have been! That certainly was worth way more than a perfect attendance award, complete with a Gift Certificate! Congratulations! Just stopping by during my Sunday blog reading!

Matt said...

Brava, sis! It just goes to show that sometimes our children are listening when they seem like they completely tune us out. I believe that experiences like this directly translate into times of honesty later in life when "no one is looking". The world needs more parents and children like you and yours.

Anica said...

That is wonderful! I just read in the April 2010 Ensign- "The Eternal Importance of Honesty" and learned that it's not important to look good on the outside-we need to BE good on the inside! That is wonderful that he learned this lesson so early in life.