Wednesday, February 24, 2010

On Humility

So, how do you graciously give a reading of a poem you have written about pride without being prideful? Don't worry - God has it covered. First, He'll be sure to schedule your reading at the same time as the Winter Olympics and a Billy Joel concert and in the same venue as a world famous dance performance. Then He'll send you a zit the size of Texas right in the middle of your forehead that refuses to be concealed with makeup. Lastly he'll make sure that your husband is sitting firmly on your skirt so that as you go to stand up in front of a room full of people, you have a split second where you are certain the entire audience will know whether or not you remembered to put a slip on that morning.

How to effectively teach a lesson on how to not be prideful? Never fear - He has it all under control.

1 comment:

Matt said...

Thanks, sis, for that wonderful imagery. You know what they say - never pray for patience or humility or you just might get it. ;)

I wish I could have been there. It sounds like you had a great time (other than the zit :P).

Love ya!