Tuesday, January 13, 2009

We Choose

I am on my third week of terrible ear pain, untreatable thus far by modern medicine - a terrifying situation for a musician. As I was returning to the doctor's this morning for further treatment I was a little behind schedule. I parked my car, locked it and started running into the clinic, worrying about the possible implications of my situation when I saw a man limping out into the parking lot. He had a huge leg brace on his right leg and was struggling to maintain his limited momentum in order to make it to his car. I slowed immediately to a walk, suddenly very grateful for my legs, for my amazing ability to be able to run.

We choose every day, in every moment, how we will see the world. We determine by that perception our place in it. We decide whether to be worried over impending catastrophe or grateful for current miracles. We shape our own existence by our perspective, by our willingness to see the possibilities in our lives. We choose to be the victim, the survivor, or the hero of our own life story.

We choose.


Dana said...

Thanks Anna - I needed this posting today. This may very well be John's last week of work at his company of nearly 12 years. They are downsizing and cutting a lot of employees. I spent most of the night awake wondering what we were going to do as we found out that John's group is most likely getting cut. After reading your post, I chose to not be a victim. I chose to count my blessings, of which there are many. Thank you.

Anica said...

What a beautiful reminder! I love how eloquently you express your thoughts.

James and Katrina said...

You are very optimistic. So how is your ear? Hope you get well soon. Nice blog---you're a good writer.

Crazy Beth said...

I've been loving to hear what words of wisdom you have. You're part of my spiritual nourishment. I love you! I'm so sorry all of you are sick. Now that I know...I will send prayers your way. Please get well...worried about Max....

Amanda said...

How very true. I also needed to hear this today. Thanks.

Aunt Doodles said...

WOW you just put me in my place. I've been whining for the last day and a half because I have a great family that was driving me crazy because they cared so much. Such the victim. I promise to try to do better thanks.

erin sheely said...

So true. Slowing down to remember what we have makes our problems seem a little more managable. But good luck with your ear...I'll be praying for you.

Matt said...

Hope you all feel better soon. You're in our prayers too.

I learned a long time ago about paradigms and how we view the world through our own filters. You have eloquently described thoughtfully examining the paradigm through which we view our experiences. I've always found it to be true that when we take the time to use the optimistic, eternal paradigm, our current trials are placed in their proper perspective as small, fleeting and temporary.

Get better soon!